Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 rockets in 5 minutes

     You heard it right, Nasa will conduct  a mission to launch 5 rockets within 5 minutes on Sunday, March 18th. The mission has been delay for couple days due to weather. The purpose behind this mission to to find out the wind speed and wind direction at the edge of the space. So how does it work? They will be launching 5 rockets with 1 minute between each. Each rocket will release chemical tracers at about 60 miles up, those chemical tracers will create glowing clouds. It will help scientists to track high altitude winds and those winds can go up to as high as 300 mph. "These tracers will generate luminous milky white clouds that should be visible to folks on the ground from part of South Carolina up through Southern New England" researchers have said.
     Now lets talk more about these rockets, they are five unmanned rockets salvo. The mission called ATREX and they cost about $4 millions. According to some sources from Nasa, "The rockets being used for the mission are two Terrier-Improved Malemutes, two Terrier-Improved Orions and one Terrier-Oriole. All will fall harmlessly into the Atlantic after they release the trim ethyl aluminum. The chemical poses no threat to the environment or human health". So we know that chemical that they will be using is trim ethyl aluminum.
     If you want a good view, East Coast would be a good option. They will launch at night, because they sky is much clearer and researchers can have a clear view of those tracers.
This map of the United States' mid-Atlantic region shows the flight profile of NASA's five ATREX rockets.
Credit: NASA/Wallops

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