Friday, February 17, 2012

Universe and its unlimited space


     So last week, I have talked about what I would think an astronomer do. This week, I'm going to focus more on the important part of their studying field. The universe would be considered their studying field, so without the universe all the astronomers every where would be out of work.
When it's come to the universe, people would automatically think that it contains everything that are outside and beyond the earth limit. For most of the case, that would be true. The universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exits, including  all matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space.

     I'm sure everyone has heard of "Big bang", according to the majority of scientists the big bang is when everything started. The universe expanded from an extremely hot, dense phase called the Plank epoch, in which all the matter and energy of the observable universe was concentrated. Many scientists believe and have suggested that our universe might be one among many universe that likewise exit.

     So how was the first star form? According to an article called "A brief history of the universe", it says "As the universe continued to expand and cool, the stage was now set for the first stars to form.  The tiniest fluctuations of density in the early universe were magnified as it aged, and gigantic clouds of atoms formed a filament-like network throughout the universe. Inside these clouds, the first generation of stars formed". After the first generation of stars, scientists believe that the universe would look pretty similar to what's it look like now. Over the the period of 10 billions years, many things have happened but the universe still very much stayed the same.

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